
Live Generously.

Here's how you can PARTNER with us in bringing good news and hope to our community, nation and world.

Give online with your

mobile device or computer.

You can do a one-time gift,

or set up a regular giving plan.

A tax receipt will be provided.

Thanks in advance for your

support and generosity!

Make your donation go further!

There are no processing fees if you give in the following ways:


Send your gift to

(You can designate your desired fund in the Message line.)

Pre-Authorized Payment Plan:

Download a pre-authorized payment form.

You can submit your completed form in person or email it to

Give in Person:

If you join us in person for worship,

you can always give with the tried and true methods of cash or cheque.

Whichever way you give, you will be provided with a tax receipt.

Want more info about the funds you can give to?

Thanks for living generously and partnering with us!